Saturday, May 5

Kite day! Kite Day!! KITE DAY!!!!

Here are some shots from Kite Day yesterday!  This is probably one of my absolute FAVORITE traditions we have started since I have worked here!  DISCLAIMER: I got the idea from student teaching in Round Rock Regional Day School Program... Beg, borrow or steal, right?

My behavior student was suspended in less than an hour of being at school on Friday (holy cow, I know) so he was not there to participate.  After being incredibly emotional and overwhelmed, I did my best to keep it together until the end of the day (I was beyond exhausted last night).

Enjoy! :)

<>< Laura {ilovesinglanguage}

Science was SUPER FUN...

Highlight of my week: AMPHIBIANS!!! {plus KITE DAY on Friday!!}

Amphibians.  Whoa.  We played with a frog/toad all morning.  It.  Was.  Awesome!!!  Sooooo cool that we did our experiment with Mr. Froad (we kept debating on if it was a frog or toad.... so we ended the discussion by combining the names) AGAIN with the third and fourth grade Deaf Ed. kiddos.  

If you put a frog into ice-cold water... the frog (a.k.a. Mr. Froad) will HIBERNATE!  That's right.  He went from jumping and hopping around in the bucket to slowly moving.... and then shut his eyes.  Radical!!!  THEN!!!  After we made predictions about what would happen when we placed him in the room temperature water I moved him over.  **DISCLAIMER-I was completely wigged out over the THOUGHT of Mr. Froad being dead instead of hibernating, so I froze... haha.  No pun intended.  My FABULOUS co-worker and teaching BFF stepped in to save the day and moved Mr. Froad to the room temperature water.  NOW!  Mr. Froad totally started slowly swimming around and then jumping!  It was seriously AMAZING!!  Thank you to my wonderful Aunt Carla for the fellow amphibian from her backyard and the last minute experiment from when she was a first grade teacher!!!!  With our Deaf Ed. SLP on campus Thursday, I had kids pulled out the rest of the afternoon (and some behavioral incidents that took me away from the room the entire science time).... so we will be writing all about Mr. Froad tomorrow in our science journals.  I'm stoked. :) :) :) :)  

Here is a picture from our experiment!  Apparently when I updated my iPhone, I did something wonky and lost all of my awesome pictures and video.  Eh.  Technology sometimes makes me want to spit. Luckily, I sent my mom and Aunt a picture of him "hibernating"... so here that one is.  I will just have to do this experiment again in the future and make sure my documentation is imported correctly!!!!


<>< Laura {ilovesignlanguage}

Thursday, April 26

Peace, Love & Earth Day!

Soooooo, you know how Earth Day was Sunday?  Well, my school has completely confused my kiddos!  When team leaders met last year to plan out this year, it was decided we would celebrate Earth Day after STAAR testing.  No big deal... except when you teach younger friends that 100% know the calendar and have a HUGE amount of respect for annual things like EARTH DAY.  They're confused.  Since I was out adminstering the test for two days, I went a head and snuck in Earth Day goodness all week.  That way, when everyone wears green next Monday, my kids will have the language to understand the conversation during morning announcements and other things.  I'm pretty excited by what they have learned.  So far we have really emphasized RECYCLE this month and have also hit on REUSE.  Tomorrow and Monday will mostly be REDUCE.  I think they're totally going to catch onto it quickly.  I'll have to share our REUSE artwork we made with bottles.  Sooooooooooo springy and adorable! :) :)

If you're in the mood to hit up some last minute {or in my case, early bird planning} Earth Day stuff... check out this AWESOME Earth Day FREEBIE on!!!

Just click on the picture of Rachelle's awesome activity packet and grab it!  I guess I should give a shout out to her blog, too!  I found the activity first after searching on TPT.... now I'm a follower! :)  I cannot wait to fluff up my Science/SS workstation tomorrow and next week!  Soooooo fun!  We're also wrapping up FISH tomorrow ONLY TO BEGIN amphibians next week..... I am a science NERD!!!  More on Earth Day in room 315 tomorrow! :) :)

<>< Laura {ilovesignlanguage}

Monday, April 23

Scooped with Love & Gloves

Sooooooooooooooooooo.  The goodie cups were a mega-hit today!  I was quite excited by their reactions {the best part about gift-giving}!!  When my principals were doing the room walkthroughs, they fell in love.  Especially with the subway art! :) :)

Today we made Good luck on your test! :) treats for the 3rd & 4th grade Deaf Ed. students!  Each one of my students made a card for three test-takers of their choice.  Then we scooped the Lucky Charms with love {and gloves} before tying the cute card on with tulle {tulle to the rescue!}.

Totally adorbs.  Lots of color and tasty rainbow goodness!!!  My sweethearts even insisted that we made one for the third and fourth grade teachers!!  We reviewed the FOUR TIPS that CLUTCH taught us at our recent program!  You better believe one of my girls wanted to review them last Thursday before they left {in preparation of their spelling test}.  How precious is THAT?!?!?!?!!
*Listen and teamwork.
**Go to bed early.
***Eat a good breakfast.
****Put on your THINKING CAP!!
*****Sic 'Em Room 315.

Time to wind down for the night and get my thinking cap ready for a day of watching two boys take the math test.  :)

Adios, bloggers!
<>< Laura

Sunday, April 22

Twinkle, Twinkle Little STAAR.....

Well!  It's finally here.  The test that has been haunting elementary schools since August.  The same test that has caused an unbelievable increase in the stress level of any elementary school in Texas at this time of year.  Teachers, administrators, paras, tutors, students.... we all feel it.  Yes, fourth grade finished the writing.... but ever since then, they've had reading and math crammed down their throats.  I don't know about YOU.... but I am sooooooooo ready for the TESTING to be completed this week.  I just whipped up these cute "STAAR Happy" gifts for my fabulous Deaf Ed teammates.
We are all quite obsessed with the insulated cups.  They turned out precious.  I firmly believe you can throw some tulle on just about anything and you have instant sass.  I added some snackies to munch on throughout the day(s): Chex Mix, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Granola Squares and Orbit gum!  Done. :)

Since we give our students the Oral Administration version of the test, we will all four be arriving at 6:30 a.m. to rip open the test and review vocabulary {sooooooo early}.  Then we go about our normal routine and then start the test.  I will not be seeing my students Tuesday or Wednesday until the afternoon so I am wrapping up my lessons right now.  My heart goes out to my FABULOUS instructional aide that will be in the room with Pre-K-2nd grade all alone.  With that said, I did it Friday while she took a personal day and it was doable.  Slightly stressful and crazy sometimes, but doable.

OKAY!  Army Wives is on and unfortunately these lesson plans are not going to write themselves.

<>< Laura

Tuesday, April 17

Tax Free Day=Sonic HH. Classroom meltdown.

Where did April go??

Raise your hand if you hit up Sonic Tax Free Happy Hour??? {both hands in the air here!}

Now, raise your OTHER hand if you are ready for in need of FRIDAY!?!?! {jumping up and down on the couch!!!!!}

Seriously.  Nobody likes a Grumpy Ginger, but today my name was Ging.  H.o.l.y.  s.m.o.k.e.s.

If it wasn't for Happy Hour @ Sonic.... it's quite possible I wouldn't have made it.  Behavior documentation allllllllll day with my BIP kiddo {Behavior Intervention Plan}!!!  I feel like I never even had the opportunity to attempt to complete the lesson plan cycle.  Especially when my friend was wanting to resort to the old habits of throwing desks and shelves.  Luckily, he was responsive to my: NO!  You're better than throwing that tactics.  Another positive was that we had another staffing on the recent progress and documentation since implementing the BIP.  We are FINALLY in the stage of getting this sweet and bright friend some help!!  Evaluations and assessment away from declaring his behavior/E.D. label officially outweighs the Auditory Impairment.  This has been almost a three year battle for me.  That's right.  Since my first year.  August of 2009.  I might be completely exhausted {and relieved tonight}.... but I am rejoicing and praising God for having my back through the whole process.

On other news: I stink at bloggin' lately.  I shall be better!!

On the agenda for room 315 this week -

  • Math: compare and order temperature
  • Reading: contractions!
  • Writing: Phase I of research projects {I'm quite PUMPED one of my kiddos picked BEARS!  Sic 'Em!!!
  • Science/S.S.: Birds!  {wrapping up our ANIMAL unit.... I am constantly fascinated by what their brains can obtain!} * Introduction to EARTH MONTH-ReUSE--> We have been Reusing different objects in the art workstation this week {watch for pictures at the end of the week.... suuuuuuuuper cute!}.
  • Language: Animals
Alright!  Private Practice is on!!  Going to curl up in my bed and tryyyyyyyy to stay awake. 

Adios, bloggers!

<>< Laura

Monday, February 20

Happy President's Day to ME! :)

Happy President's day... and HAPPY DAY OFF to other teachers in my district!  A lot of my teacher friends in other districts do not have the day off.... this must be what it feels like when THEY have a day off that I don't have....  it's epic!

Today's mission: catch up on organizing my out-of-school-life.  Things aren't too crazy, but there are projects unfinished... errands that have not been crossed off the to-do list... and here I am: blogging. :)  I will say my lesson plans rock for this week {maybe there is a field trip scheduled for Wednesday... hello even short-ER week!}

I am so in love with Scrappin' Doodles.  Ever since I have started purchasing A-DOR-A-BLE clipart from them, I am a happier teacher {it's the little things in life}.  I have even CUTER workstations than before and my kiddos LOVE my anchor charts and other activity pages with a l'il clipart surprise on them.  {anything for engagement.... right???}  Check 'em out if you haven't!  President's Day stuff is a tad on sale - well worth it!

How nerdy am I that I am PUMPED about reading my new Abe Lincoln book tomorrow?!?!?  My students grew an obsession last year, and while they don't need me to read it to re-learn facts.... I cannot wait to see their excitement when I pull it out of the book back for social studies tomorrow.

Okay!  Back to cleaning up my orphan room so I can stop and make me some lunch in a little bit! :) :)

Happy President's day!  I am truly thankful for the leaders of our country.  Sometimes I do not agree with their decisions, but I believe in a God that is moving in all areas of the world.  He is in control and we are not alone.

<>< Laura {ilovesignlanguage}